Movie Summary
A fledgling caterer, Molly Frost, is hired by Jean Harrison, the perfectionistic director of the renowned Harrison Foundation, to cater this year’s annual Christmas Gala dinner. Things get complicated when Molly falls for Jean’s nephew, Carson, 30’s, a travel photographer with no desire to take over the family’s foundation…until his aunt assigns him to the task of making sure the catered dinner goes perfectly.
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Movie Trailer
2022 Date, Time, and Channel
11/06/22 – 10:00am on Great American Christmas
11/06/22 – 6:00pm on Great American Christmas
11/08/22 – 8:00pm on Great American Christmas
11/09/22 – 2:00pm on Great American Christmas
11/12/22 – 2:00am on Great American Christmas
11/12/22 – 6:00pm on Great American Christmas
11/14/22 – 10:00am on Great American Christmas
11/15/22 – 4:00pm on Great American Christmas
To see more movies on the 2022 Great American Christmas Schedule, click below.
Year Released
Cast Includes
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Movie Review
This is another great movie put on by Great American Christmas. I really liked this movie because it had a couple of my favorite actors Merritt Patterson and Daniel Lissing. This movie takes place around a Christmas Gala with creating food for the event.
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